Wednesday 19th February 2025,
HHR News
US Hindus Against Holi Against Hindutva Protest

A protest was held against ultra-right-wing religious fascists and their backers by a group of Hindus Against the Holi Against Hindutva Event. Even though we credit CoHNA for arranging the protest with a few Hindus still the same question has to be asked where are these thousands of Hindus in that region as there are several Hindu temples around Cleveland and further in Ohio but even more across the US? If many thousands of Hindus had turned up to protest making noise and even walking into the event then you bet the event would have been cancelled and the university apologising nonstop stop sending a message to all universities that promoting Hinduphobia would turn on us . Also, Hindus don’t need to make a statement this is a ‘peaceful’ or ‘silent’ protest because we don’t have to be apologetic for anything being the real victims.

These Hindu temples and organisations that don’t come out to support these protests against Hindus and Hinduism should have their donations stopped because they are doing more damage to the Hindu cause by turning Hindus into total wimps who can never stand up against the rise of Hinduphobia where Hinduphobes are even hijacking Hindu events to push Hinduphobia agendas knowing these Hindus won’t come out in mass numbers like we are seeing with the ‘Palestine’ protests by hardcore Islamists backed by lefty closet racist whites.

COHNA’s Cleveland chapter volunteers hold a peaceful protest against the “Holi Against Hindutva” event by the Asian American Alliance and the Muslim Student Association at  @oberlincollege

We will not remain silent when people co-opt and desecrate our religious festivals, symbols, and figures for their political agenda and then turn around and accuse Hindus of being “Islamophobic” simply for raising their voices against this anti-Hindu bigotry. Such attitudes and actions are perfect examples of #Hinduphobia and attempts to gaslight our community for speaking up. Will @ctambar continue to allow the desecration of a sacred Hindu religious festival by Oberlin’s student groups?

Use of the term ‘Hinduphobia’ – 1866-1997

Video : American Hindu Student Testifies At A Congressional Briefing On Hinduphobia

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Video : Hindu American Lady Speaks Out Against US Hinduphobic Thinkpol – Thought Police

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Video : Hindu Americans Protest Against Camouflaged Hinduphobic Discrimination

Hindu Orgs That Demand ‘Money, Money, Money Should Be Held Accountable For The Rise Of Hinduphobia

Video – US: Georgia Passes A Official Resolution Condemning ‘Hinduphobia’

Video : Hinduphobia – A Media Studies Perspective by Professor Vamsee Juluri

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