Monday 17th February 2025,
HHR News

Video : X-Twitter Influencer M. Nageswara Rao Calls For Physical Fitness Among Potbelly Hindus

Video : X-Twitter Influencer M. Nageswara Rao Calls For Physical Fitness Among Potbelly Hindus

M. Nageswara Rao points out something we have also been saying for decades in his latest tweets encouraging Hindus, especially after facing more and more threats to take on physical training which they should have been doing in the first place, especially with India’s history and the persecution Hindus have faced and continue to do.

Even though most of our own group and circles are into many forms of physical training and martial arts but we always found it very odd that most of these Hindu orgs and even Hindu social media influencers never take up physical training as most look like potential heart attack, diabetes and high blood pressure victims being out of shape making even Humpty Dumpty look like Rambo in comparison with the online intellectual kshatrityas.

Hindu press-ups and squats along with other Hindu forms of training are very popular in the West with even people going to India to practice at Vyayamshalas. India has the best terrain to train and be extremely physically fit something most online potbelly Hindus haven’t worked out.

He also brings out a hard truth about the RSS who lured many of the Hindu youth away from Hanuman Vyayamshalas ( Gyms) which backs the history that after partition the RSS played a major part in luring Hindus to their shakas under the slogans of Hindu unity to turn Hindus into total submissive wimps in oversized British colonial khaki shorts.

All this false propaganda about how they bought Hindu unity is a total myth as the majority of Hindus have always been united and live in one country but lack an overall ideological and active vision, unlike Muslims and Christians who even though are living in many different countries and often warring with each at least do have a clear vision of being active either in a group or individually. We won’t deny that RSS has done some good social work on the ground and some RSS individuals are committed to their cause but as Veer Savarkar has said,

“The epitaph for the RSS volunteer will be that he was born, he joined the RSS and he died without accomplishing anything”.

Which really means that even though having millions of members, they boast about but in reality, overall are totally useless and directionless, we often see where they can’t even protect themselves from anti-Hindus who often attack them and even kill them as also Sita Ram Goel pointed out,

“The RSS is the biggest collection of duffers that ever came together in world history”

And worse their leaders come out with the most ridiculous statements like RSS leader Mohan Bhagwat recently justified Beef eating for social harmony. After time you come to realise that for the RSS its not the Hindu cause that is important but it’s all about their useless cult the RSS. Even though we don’t put the full blame on them either as the Hindu mind also gets overdosed with Gandhi along with distorted Hindu escapism from Gurus and temples which also needs to be called out and then kicked out of the Hindu mind.

Inexpensive Hanuman Vyayamshalas used to function till about 30-40 years ago everywhere throughout India where Hindu youth used to do body building, wrestling, physical fitness, etc. The physically fit youth and men used to take care of the security needs of their villages, mohallas, Hindu society, Temples, etc. Come RSS in 1925.

By late 1980s it lured most of the Hindu youth going to Hanuman Vyayamshalas to their useless Shakhas, and then consciously destroyed and substituted the former with the latter. This is akin to Abrahamic religions destroying Temples and constructing their places of worship on them. That apart, unlike Hanuman Vyayamshalas, most modern gyms are not only very expensive and not affordable for vast majority but their utility is also doubtful. In view of increasing existential threats to Hindu society, it is high time all (boys, girls, men and women) spare time for doing daily as many of these and other exercises as they can to develop good physical fitness so that they become capable of protecting themselves, their kith and kin, and property. Complete dependence on police who can never be ubiquitous, is not at all advisable. Follow M. Nageswara Rao


Video : The Best Exercise ? (HANUMAN PUSH UPS)/ Step by Step.

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