In India the abode of a billion Hindus As reported by Swati Goel Sharma This boy, just 13, was hit repeatedly with lathi on his head by a Maulvi and his accomplice Samir Attar. The boy had plucked Jamun from a tree in compound of a Dargah. The boy comes from an extremely poor family. [...]
Hindu Twitterati Army are finger exercising on their keyboards nonstop after the Udhayanidhi Stalin, son of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, probably both shorter than the real Stalin showed his extreme bravery at a talk called Eradicating Sanatan Dharma where he said , “Few things cannot be opposed; they should only be abolished. We [...]
We often hear on nonstop repeat how tolerant Hindus are even after being mocked, bullied, humiliated and even violently attacked but with no reaction because according to most Hindu experts, gurus, swamis, acharyas and Hindu Twitteratri, this is the great ‘tolerance’ of ‘Hinduism’. But if anyone checks Hinduism itself and sees what it inspires against [...]
Hindus continue to face persecution in India the abode of one billion Hindus where Hindu students at the Vansthali Public School in Delhi faced gungadin teachers called Anoop Rawat and Ravi tearing up pictures of lord Rama, cutting their sacred threads and punishing them further for wearing tilaks and saying Jai Sri Ram !. #JaiShriRam [...]
One common slogan you will always hear in response to any anti Hindu incident is 'We need Hindu unity' because according to the majority, every problem is due to the 'lack of Hindu unity' or 'Hindu disunity'. Type into google 'We need Hindu unity or Hindus are disunited’ and watch how many millions of entries show [...]