Saturday 27th July 2024,
HHR News


‘We Need Hindu Unity’ Or Do We ?

‘We Need Hindu Unity’ Or Do We ?

One common slogan you will always hear in response to any anti Hindu incident is 'We need Hindu unity' because according to the majority, every problem is due to the 'lack of Hindu unity' or 'Hindu disunity'. Type into google 'We need Hindu unity or Hindus are disunited’ and watch how many millions of entries show [...]

April 24, 2020 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, News updates, World Focus 0

Sri Aurobindo : A Response

Sri Aurobindo : A Response

While this is one of the rarer cases of a researched article on an Indian spiritual figure in the popular press, and is genuine, the discussion is somewhat superficial. Firstly, the general journalistic style of presenting opposing viewpoints on a subject, is not ideally suited to examining such a towering spiritual figure as Sri Aurobindo. [...]

August 19, 2018 Guest Author Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles 0

Being a faithful Hindu in Hindustan is a difficult proposition

Being a faithful Hindu in Hindustan is a difficult proposition

The deafening silence of Hindu outfits on the hateful statements of Asiya Andrabis arises from some noble wish to keep peace. If Asiya Andrabi had been a Hindu in an Islamic country and had she tried to assert her religious right, she would have been Supurd-e-Khaak by now. She must thank her stars that she [...]

September 25, 2015 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, India 0

No more Khushwant Singh

No more Khushwant Singh

At long last, shortly before he would turn 100, Khushwant Singh has gone. India loses a pleasant writer and frequently humorous political and social commentator. He was a forthright spokesman of the Nehruvian English-speaking elite, at one time even the direct press chief of Jawaharlal Nehru himself. He also served as an assistant to Sikh [...]

March 21, 2014 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights 0

Looking back at your life 500 years from now

Looking back at your life 500 years from now

“Hindu culture is essentially based upon the sacrifice implied in duty, and not upon acquisition, which is implied in rights”. Swami Chinmayananda As every conscientious Hindu knows, there are some parts of our history that we can look upon with pride and others with shame. The question is; a few centuries from now, if you [...]

October 8, 2012 Rajesh Patel Analysis/Insights 0

Jijabai: Eternal Mother Symbol of Faith and Courage

Jijabai: Eternal Mother Symbol of Faith and Courage

The loving care of Jijabai made Shivaji a great warrior. ~Sri Sathya Sai Baba   Jijabai was the mother of Shivaji, one of the most famous and successful Hindu Warrior Kings of all time. The life story of Jijabai, is no less inspiring than that of her prodigal son, and takes a proud place in [...]

October 2, 2012 Rajesh Patel History 0

Ganesh Chaturthi : Origins and Meanings

Ganesh Chaturthi : Origins and Meanings

Ganesh Chaturthi or "Vinayak Chaturthi" is one of the major traditional festivals celebrated by the Hindu community. [...]

September 18, 2012 HHR Spirituality/Culture 2

Hindu Identity :To Be or Not To be ?

Hindu Identity :To Be or Not To be ?

Some Hindus these days think we should stop using the Hindu label as an identity because its origins are foreign. Regretfully even some Hindu gurus and swamis have joined the fray by also expressing their reservations about its feasibility for the Hindu community worldwide. However, on closer reflection any idea of ditching the term ‘Hindu’ [...]

August 23, 2012 HHR Archives, Understanding hinduism 2

Shivaji Maharaj the Great Hindu human rights activist

Shivaji Maharaj the Great Hindu human rights activist

“Ramdas is not complete without Shivaji. To maintain justice and prevent the strong from despoiling, and the weak from being oppressed, is the function for which the Kshatriya was created”...Sri Aurobindo The present generation of Hindus owe much to Shivaji.This short article is a tribute to the great King, whose life has had a profound [...]

May 25, 2012 Rajesh Patel History 7

Stripping Draupadi : Mother India’s Desecration

Stripping Draupadi : Mother India’s Desecration

Bharata Mata or Mother India, the cradle of the ancient Aryans, the mystic land of truth, wisdom and beauty, has forever been known to be the fountainhead of the Vedas, the power-house of Dharma and the Citta-Shakti of the evolving spirit of humanity but now all that is under threat.Tina Sadhwani explains why.. [...]

May 7, 2012 Tina Sadhwani Analysis/Insights, Archives, Shakti Unveiled : The Dawn of the Goddess 4
HHR News