In this video, Professor Vamsee Juluri talks with author and International Studies professor Hindol Sengupta about the importance of indigenous perspectives of nature and ecological balance in the wake of the recent California fires. He points out how social media feeds have fragmented our attention and understanding of important issues and how different political camps [...]
Vamsee Juluri, Professor of Media Studies at the University of San Francisco, draws important lessons from Jonathan Haidt’s recent book, ‘The Anxious Generation,’ in which the author warns us of the direct negative impact of smartphone use by teenagers on the mental health of American teens. Vamsee Juluri explains how India is likely to follow [...]
When it comes to reporting on India or Israel then one doesn't have to be a Sherlock Holmes with a hat smoking a pipe digging deep to see the evidence, as it's so clear when racist prejudices against Jews and Hindus often resurface in the Western 'propaganda' media like we have seen recently over the [...]
With the rise of the attacks on Hindus by far-right Islamists with the full backing of left-wing white Hinduphobic racists, a Hindu Manifesto has been released and sent to all UK politicians. Here Charlotte Littlewood gives a breakdown to India Today of the reasons for this manifesto in reaction to all the attacks taking place [...]
Our propaganda, Their propaganda (An unpublished essay written a few days before the election results) Vamsee Juluri We may well be on our way to a dismal, Orwellian, cultural future where no matter who rules, the lies will remain the same I recently had the pleasure of teaching an online class for parents and children [...]
In this episode of Upclose, Vamsee Juluri, a Professor of Media Studies at the University of San Francisco, CA, engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Ashish Dhar about the new edition of his book, “Rearming Hinduism.” He explores the nuanced battlegrounds of academia, media, and popular culture where Hinduism faces a low-intensity cultural war. Through [...]
Professor Vamsee’s Video Series Introduces Media Studies to Everyone Hindus who want to effectively fight Hinduphobia should realize that a lot of armchair Hindu activists simply swing between complaining about how the media is lying about Hinduism and then suddenly falling flat for the occasional flattery from the same Hinduphobes that pats Hindus on the [...]
6 sessions on April 16, 6- 7 PM -India Standard Time (IST) guided by @vamseejuluri Professor of Media Studies at the University of SanFrancisco We welcome anyone who is curious and eager to learn. Participants need to have their copy of the book “1984” as a reference, and the ability/interest to read the book. This [...]
India being the homeland of the largest remaining indigenous people on the planet known as Hindus don’t have to be told what to do or who they want in their country especially why those religious ideologies that led to mass genocides, enslavement, and forced conversions of the indigenous Hindu people to later tear the country [...]
Sometime back someone we know had asked a well-known US Twitter Hindu influencer to do a public protest against some anti-Hindu issue but she refused saying she doesn’t do that type of stuff on the streets. This is a reflection of a larger problem with many Hindus who think they are above it all because [...]