Od svih indo-evropskih naroda, Sloveni su oni koji danas zauzimaju najveću teritoriju, na evro-azijskom kontinentu. Takođe, Sloveni su najmnogoljudnija ento-lingvistička grupa na evropskom kontinentu. Danas ih ima oko 300 miliona. Slovenski narodi se tradicionalno dele na istočno-slovenske (Rusi, Belorusi, Ukrajinci), zapadno-slovenske (Poljaci, Česi, Slovaci, Lužički Srbi, Kašubi) i južno-slovenske (Srbi, Hrvati, Bošnjaci, Slovenci, Makedonci, Bugari). [...]
The Left uses colonial constructs in its seeming 'progressive' and liberationist view of humanity. Therefore Hinduism is evil because of caste system, superstition, and India's poverty. The Right it must be remembered has been the traditional haunt of those who espouse racism, xenophobia, imperial glories, values of Little England, the sanctity of the British Empire, [...]
When a tech billionaire and hard-headed pragmatist seems to reprise the ancient Indian concept of maya, or illusion, it’s time to shut up and pay attention.
When the film The Matrix was released in 1999, its central premise, that the world is not what it seems to be, appeared to reprise the ancient Indian concept of [...]
There has been commentary by some scholars that the concept of chakras is a relatively new phenomenon within Hinduism; and there appears to be an implication that chakras were not known to the Vedic tradition. Regrettably, this appears to be part of a continuing effort to redefine Hinduism, and to imply that Dharmist do not [...]
In civilisations and cultures without explicit good and evil there was no need for the Devil, Satan, Lucifer or just simply the ‘Evil One’. The demonology of one god thrust upon humanity by monotheism needed a polar opposite in the form of the Devil. Hence the inherent contradiction in which this supposedly superior belief in [...]
August 28, 2015
Ranbir Singh
The Counseling Renaissance Today we are discovering many new dynamic tools for understanding ourselves and for bringing greater meaning into our lives, not simply at a physical level, but at deeper levels of consciousness. Our model of the human being is shifting from that of a separate individual fixed in one location in time and [...]
February 26, 2015
Vamadev Shastri
Scientists are getting close to proving what yogis have held to be true for centuries — yoga and meditation can ward off stress and disease. John Denninger, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, is leading a five-year study on how the ancient practices affect genes and brain activity in the chronically stressed. His latest work [...]
Satyabhama is the only child of the Yadava chief Satrajit. Even though at the time it was more common to raise boys in martial arts and athletic pursuits the Bhagavatam Puranas teach an important lesson in equality with the introduction of Satyabhama in Krishna’s past times. Satyabhama was haughty and high-spirited and had very little [...]
Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami explains are the Hindu Gods(s) of fear or love . “Love is the basis of worship in all Hindu denominations, expressed through bhakti yoga toward one’s chosen Deity.” [...]
June 14, 2013
HHR Videos
In these last centuries the world has changed remarkably, and today we are facing even deeper and wider changes than ever – changes we cannot avoid, because human society is becoming increasingly globalized.The history of Vedic tradition teaches us that as human beings, we have the power to participate in this change responsibly, by directing [...]
May 8, 2013
Mataji Parama Karuna Devi