Saturday 27th July 2024,
HHR News


The Mechanics of Karma

The Mechanics of Karma

Karma as destiny and retribution The word karma has entered the vocabulary of all the modern languages and has become a household word, but often its meaning is trivialized and distorted due to cultural superimpositions and lack of proper information. It is generally used with the meaning of “destiny”, and sometimes “retribution” or punishment. In [...]

May 4, 2013 Mataji Parama Karuna Devi Understanding hinduism 0

Brain & Consciousness: Neuroscience Aligns with Vedic Wisdom

Brain & Consciousness: Neuroscience Aligns with Vedic Wisdom

Guest speakers discuss the following questions: What can we understand about the layers of the mind? “Who” is the thinker? Is consciousness located in a specific part of the brain? How do some of the latest findings about the brain connect with the Vedic Tradition? Talk 1 : Dr. Karen Shanor Ph.D., Clinical and Neuropsychologist, [...]

April 3, 2013 HHR HHR Videos, Hinduism and the World of Science 0

Video : The Ganga

Video : The Ganga


March 17, 2013 HHR HHR Videos 0

Hinduism Is A Religion And A Way Of Life – Poojya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda

Hinduism Is A Religion And A Way Of Life – Poojya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda

Of Course Hinduphobes will say there is no such thing as Hinduism as it’s made up so then they can dismantle Hindus into smaller groups and then convert them. But then you have the Hindu experts also make comical claims about how Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life to sound spiritually [...]

March 16, 2013 HHR HHR Videos, Understanding hinduism 2

The significance of the Lotus

The significance of the Lotus

If you look at the images of Hindu deities, you will see that many of them are depicted as sitting on a lotus. The image of Sarasvati shown above is one such example. Numerous references to the lotus can be found in the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, slokas, kathas and other ancient Hindu literature. In yoga, [...]

February 4, 2013 Ranbir Singh Understanding hinduism 0

Defaming the Hindu Sacred Feminine ( Part 1 )

Defaming the Hindu Sacred Feminine ( Part 1 )

It was only a matter of time before the anti-Hindu elements emerged from the gutter to exploit the horrific rape and murder of the 23 year old student in Delhi. The first was Sunny Hundal who used his platform in the Guardian to launch a tirade against the worship of the sacred feminine as providing [...]

February 2, 2013 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 4

Hindu Identity :To Be or Not To be ?

Hindu Identity :To Be or Not To be ?

Some Hindus these days think we should stop using the Hindu label as an identity because its origins are foreign. Regretfully even some Hindu gurus and swamis have joined the fray by also expressing their reservations about its feasibility for the Hindu community worldwide. However, on closer reflection any idea of ditching the term ‘Hindu’ [...]

August 23, 2012 HHR Archives, Understanding hinduism 2

Vedic Evolution of Consciousness

Vedic Evolution of Consciousness

Modern psychology and cognitive science is only now exploring the frontiers of consciousness (exemplified in Vedanta) and its impact on human life and behaviour. Current researches (Joel Krueger) in the field also indicate that transcending of the personalized ego often leads to a unified mode of awareness and “That a scholar acquires a new insight, [...]

August 8, 2012 Tina Sadhwani Spirituality/Culture 2

Takshashila: The world’s first known university

Takshashila: The world’s first known university

The site initially began to develop as a loosely connected group of buildings where learned persons resided, worked and taught. Over the years, additional buildings were added; rulers made donations and more scholars migrated there. Gradually a large campus developed, which became a celebrated seat of learning in the ancient world. Not only Indians but [...]

May 24, 2012 Rajesh Patel History 2

Hindu Self-Defence : Some Steps To Survive

Hindu Self-Defence : Some Steps To Survive

Some Hindus ask me, as a sympathizing outsider, if I have any advice for them when they want to revive their fortunes. In principle, I have no advice; it would be arrogant to pretend to know something that the people concerned are not so sure about. But then again, Hindus are no different from others, [...]

May 17, 2012 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights, Archives Comments Off on Hindu Self-Defence : Some Steps To Survive
HHR News