Friday 17th January 2025,
HHR News


The Hindoo Colonials Part 2 : A Model Minorty’s Self Delusion Of Grandeur

The Hindoo Colonials Part 2 : A Model Minorty’s Self Delusion Of Grandeur

The Coolie Emerges One factor that united media outlets across the political spectrum since the attacks on Hindus in Leicester and then Smethwick was how they blamed the street jihad violence as a natural outcome of Hindutva, Hindu nationalism and Hindu fascism in the UK. Of course, none of these media giants could provide any [...]

October 2, 2022 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : ‘ Hinduphobia is a Crime’ Protest at the Guardian Newspaper HQ, London

Video : ‘ Hinduphobia is a Crime’ Protest at the Guardian Newspaper HQ, London

Hindu Human Rights staged a protest outside that mouthpiece of liberal opinion, the Guardian. Liked by all the progressive types and well-meaning but misguided utopianists who think they can remould the world, this hate propaganda machine spews some of the vilest Hinduphobia in existence. In the past, such newspapers would have used openly racist and [...]

October 12, 2021 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Activities/Press releases, HHR Videos, News updates, World Focus 0

Video – Hinduphobia Tour Report : Labour Party-London HQ

Video – Hinduphobia Tour Report : Labour Party-London HQ

. In fact can we even use terms such as left and right-wing, because, with regard to Hindus, the Labour Party takes on a disturbing resemblance of the ultranationalist Nazi-style outfits which demonised people of colour? These attacks on minorities were not just speeches and propaganda. They took physical form, as does the Hinduphobia pushed [...]

August 26, 2021 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

HHR Letter To Keir Starmer : Leader of the Labour Party

HHR Letter To Keir Starmer : Leader of the Labour Party

Dear Sir Starmer, Hindu Human Rights Group (HHR) was set up to highlight persecution, oppression, and discrimination against Hindus worldwide. HHR was formed in the UK, and it is sadly in this country that we find Hinduphobia now going mainstream. It is commendable indeed that you have condemned the antisemitism which has saturated the Labour [...]

June 30, 2021 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Articles, HHR Activities/Press releases, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

Labour’s Aryan Brotherhood

Labour’s Aryan Brotherhood

The recent furore over the Labour Party’s links to openly anti-Semitic, racist, terrorist and Holocaust deniers is in many respects only the tip of the iceberg. While this is rightly condemned there has been no mention of the anti-Hindu nature of the present leadership which begins at the very top. Any attempt to raise this [...]

September 2, 2018 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0

How the West Groomed Radical Islam Part 6 : The British and Islamist Romance

How the West Groomed Radical Islam Part 6 : The British and Islamist Romance

The benefactors of the terrorists have become its new targets. Britain claims to be fighting a war against terrorism by groups that claim their basis is Islam. Yet for centuries going back to the British Raj it has actually allied, funded and acted as apologists for the very same outfits and ideas especially against Hindus [...]

April 24, 2017 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0

‘ Hinduphobia ‘ The Labour Party’s Other Problem

‘ Hinduphobia ‘ The Labour Party’s Other Problem

Does Britain’s Labour Party have a Hindu Problem? In 2016, Hindu Human Rights exposed the Hinduphobia that was rampant in the Labour Party. Now with the exposure by BBC Panorama about not just apathy but actual complicity within the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn of antisemitism, it is timely that this report is updated with [...]

May 1, 2016 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0
HHR News