As we have seen with the recent attacks on Sadhguru, attacks on Sri Sri Ravi Shankar over the years, and attacks on other Gurus going back as far as Swami Yogananda and Swami Vivekananda that the real issue is not these Gurus but Hinduism and its influence which is expanding across the word in some [...]
#BBCOnTrial #BBCMuktBharat #DefundTheBBC #DeporttheBBC #BBCDocumentary. Welcome to the official worldwide release of ‘BBC On Trial’, a ground-breaking documentary that exposes the truth behind the BBC’s history of disinformation and media bias. Produced by the Global Hindu Federation (GHF) and presented by Pt. Satish K. Sharma, this compelling film delves into the ways the BBC has [...]
After recently being exposed and caught out as a propaganda machine for jihadist caliphate imperialism over its hate against Jews, the pedo BBC now comes under focus for its long history of Hinduphobic racist hate often fronted by their loyal brown colonised slaves with a documentary coming out soon. ‘BBC On Trial’ Trailer Launched, Gets [...]
With its history of Hinduphobic racist hate, the BBC the paedophile HQ always goes very colonial when it comes to India, where suddenly they start looking dressed up like Robert Clive with their subservient Indians as 'yes sahib' Gungadins. [...]
Nothing surprising with its history of Hinduphobic racism the BBC who was the first to promote that fraud, Mother Teresa, now promoting Christian Yoga divorcing Yoga from its Indigenous Hindu roots as Yoga spreads across the world. They think having a nonwhite or even a Gunga Din Indian fronting their report hides their Hinduphobic racism [...]
Accusations of media bias are nothing new. But the BBC has been consistently negative in its reporting on India, especially with regard to Hindu issues. Although not alone in this, the BBC is a legacy brand that somehow awards itself a high degree of impartiality and integrity. That of course has become an unhealthy joke [...]
Hindus Protesting Against the Hinduphobic filth propagandists known as the BBC which has a long history of Hindu bashing .. [...]
On 12 January 2022 a man scaled BBC Broadcasting House to destroy a sculpture made by the artist, Eric Gill. Now Gill’s own diaries, published in the 1980s, admitted that he sexually molested his own daughters.
Despite long campaigns, the BBC have refused to move the statue made by this sick paedophile. Then again this should [...]
The BBC anti-Hindu propaganda machine has once again come into full swing, with a piece from 2 March 2016 that claims to be from popular blogger Nooshin Soluch: In this we are fed the dangerous idea that India’s ‘Hindu’ nationalists are going to rewrite history. Of course this comes hot on the heels of [...]
Just two days ago the BBC put on its website the ominously entitled “What is India’s caste system?”. A rhetorical question indeed because anyone familiar with the BBC’s constant anti-Hindu bias would already know exactly where that sort of vitriol was headed; blame directly apportioned to Hinduism, Hindu beliefs, Hindu civilisation and especially Hindu texts. [...]