No, the Taliban haven't taken over yet but this is part of a play created by a Hindu teacher in an RSS run school- Shishu Bhartiya Vidyalaya Malviya Nagar, Aishbagh Lucknow.. Meanwhile, Hindu Twitterati has been sharing an edited version of the video. But here is the complete video of the students offering prayers in [...]
A 2004 update : Again Hind00 tomfoolery reincarnates in reaction to an Xpost shared by Dr. Lavanya Vemsani @ProfVemsani from Nupur J Sharma @UnSubtleDes who is defining a working definition of “Hinduphobia” was met with “but we should use ‘Hindumisia’ or HinduHate instead or Hinduphobia is a copy of Islamophobia ” ect. In his 2001 [...]
My take on this issue – as I have explained in several talks: Such a large-scale and irreversible gamble by any organization/institution would be rash, unless first analyzed carefully. This analysis includes developing all likely scenarios and assigning probabilities for likely outcomes. No corporate entity rushes into such an extreme position based on emotions or [...]
Quite frequently, my mailbox is hit by yet another product of the PN Oak-type imagination. This one refers to a web article “Was the Christian Vatican Originally a Temple to Lord Shiva?” It claims that “Rome’s church compound is in the shape of [a] Shiva Lingam”. It also suggests, citing as its source the “famous [...]
June 28, 2014
Dr Koenraad Elst
Even after demonstrating physical, mental and spiritual fierce resistance for a thousand years, while all other ancient civilisations ended up in a museum, today’s Hindu seems to be apologetic over his or her own existence, and desperately begs for acceptance by others especially the very people that attempted to destroy them in the first place. [...]