External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that the human rights issue was not a topic of discussion during the India-US 2+2 ministerial meeting this week. However, EAM Jaishankar asserted that whenever there is a discussion, New Delhi will not be reticent about speaking out. Taking a strong stand, EAM Jaishankar said that people are entitled [...]
A closer look at today's political and social arena clearly reveals how Hindu institutions and Hinduism in India are unfairly targeted by a combination of vote bank politics and unscrupulous politicians and businessmen. Particularly alarming is the destruction of Hindu institutions and the illegal mass conversions by other religions. [...]
October 24, 2016
Archives, HHR Videos
NEW DELHI: India is readying to grant citizenship to Hindus and Sikhs who have sought refuge in the country from religious persecution in Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan. The home ministry plans to seek cabinet approval ahead of the upcoming monsoon session of Parliament, which starts on July 18, to its proposal to empower district magistrates [...]
It doesn’t happen often, but here I must totally disagree with David Frawley ( Read : Hindus Need Long Term Political Strategy And Dharmic ). Or should I say: with the Sangh Parivar, for this is the standard argument I have heard from them for more than twenty years. The central refrain is “unity”. This [...]
April 23, 2016
Archives, India
NEW DELHI: The Centre is reviving a somewhat tenuous romance with the Roma people as the forgotten children of this country. In February, the ICCR in collaboration with an NGO, Indian Council for International Cooperation, will organise the fourth Roma conference here to encourage academic research into the origins of this largely European nomadic community [...]
February 11, 2016
News updates, World Focus
“Swamy claimed that efforts are being made at resolving the issue amicably between Hindus and Muslims so that the temple and the masjid come up on both sides of the Saryu river in Ayodhya. The issue will be discussed at the two-day national conference in Delhi University on “Shree Ram Janambhoomi Temple—The Emerging Scenario” which would [...]
“Significantly, PM Narendra Modi had made beef exports an election issue. In a poll rally in Nawada, Bihar, in April 2014, he had referred to ‘pink revolution’. More recently, incidents like the Dadri lynching and the Kerala House raid had led to a debate on ‘intolerance’ with several BJP members speaking against consumption of beef.” [...]
December 17, 2015
Archives, India
“Saudi culture treats women as just one step above pond scum; they are arrested for driving and writing blogs. The country buys sex slaves trafficked from all over the world, including the West, for the harems of millionaire petro-sheikhs. Recently a girl was sentenced t0 200 lashes and six months in jail for the ‘crime’ [...]
September 14, 2015
Archives, India, World Focus
“The investigations also revealed that at least 90 persons from different parts of the world were involved in funding terrorists in the Valley. Investigations would reveal that between the years 2009 and 2011 an amount of Rs 12 million had been recovered. In addition to this fake currency and also euros were recovered from the agents [...]
“I am 78 and thought it is time to speak out. The ordinary people like me are happy and content. We feel no persecution or discrimination and are not on the hit list. Even if we are, truth cannot be hidden. In fact it was the Church which had crucified TRUTH and continues to do [...]