Sunday 09th February 2025,
HHR News

Video : Steve Job’s wife Laurene Powell’s New Hindu Name Revealed At The Mahakumbh

Video : Steve Job’s wife Laurene Powell’s New Hindu Name Revealed At The Mahakumbh

Regardless of all the Hinduphobic hate against Hindus, Hinduism and its practices are expanding across the globe behind the scenes among all races and genders. Many become full Hindus or at least follow the practices in their lives.

We’ve also come across ex-Muslim followers of Hindu gurus and even known some Pakistanis reverted back to Hinduism even if keeping it secret from their families.

This doesn’t mean we disarm ourselves thinking it’s all good so there is no need to take action to defend Hinduism but this is the reason the Hinduphobes are going on a mass offensive to destroy Hinduism.

Also, let’s get out of this myth that ‘Hindus don’t convert’ which is false and not backed by history where even the Greeks and others who came to India before the Islamic invasions were given full Hindu initiation rituals (conversion) by Vedic pandits to become Hindus. Many gurus from the past did go out to take Hindu teachings to the world. Conversion to Hinduism means becoming free and not enslaved to the two political ideologies disguised as religion do.

The myth ‘we don’t convert’ was probably spread by Xitian missionaries knowing these confused present-day Hindoos always want to say “look we are not like Christians and Muslims as we don’t convert so give us the highly enlightened award peeeeze prize” .

This is why all Hindu temples like the Iskcon should have introduction courses taught by Hindu teachers for those who want to become Hindus to eventually be initiated into Hinduism to expand Dharma across the world.

Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, has has been given a new Hindu name “Kamala” during her visit to India for the Maha Kumbh 2025 in Prayagraj. She is embracing Sanatan Dharma under the guidance of her spiritual guru, Swami Kailashanand Giri, and is participating in the traditional Kalpavas ritual, which includes daily baths in sacred rivers, meditation, and a strict vegetarian diet.



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