Tuesday 18th February 2025,
HHR News

HHR Video : Dr APJ Abdul Kalam speaking on Vedas

HHR Video : Dr APJ Abdul Kalam speaking on Vedas

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam speaking on Vedas at AMA in Ahmedabad .
> problems with sound quality <

Speech  Dr APJ Abdul Kalam on Vedas, at AMA in Ahmedabad –

‘Celebrate the great souls, celebrate great books, celebrate great lives. Nation transformed into lack of ethics.
We need citizen of ethics, citizen of value, citizen of sacrifice. -Nigama Kalpatharu

7th Birthday of Dr Gautham Patel, Scholor in Sanskrit, Author of 150 Books

Valuable information from Vedas, Gods, Religion, Philosophy, Culture, Society, Vedic Interpretation, Science, Environment, Ancient heritage

Confluence of thoughts leads to dynamic society.

Adi Sankaracharya, “Spirituality brings difference between body and soul(Atman), one is constantly changing and other constantly witnessing the change”.
“Knowledge needed by individual to decide, evolve and pursue Spiritual Goal”,
“Unity in field of religion, culture and philosophy, leaving political aspects and worked out, letting future generations do well”

Unity in diversity, have organic capability to explore outer(material, physical sciences) and inner(spiritual freedom)
Sankaracharya’s choodamani details the knowledge essential for growth of spirituality in an individual, to become enlightened human beings. Indeed diversities we need to be united as world citizens.

Tolerance and righteousness, Nigama Kalpatharu details on Tolerance for opinions, culture, beliefs, styles.
Vedas teach Righteousness in heart
“Where there is righteous in heart, there is beauty in character
When there is beauty in character, there is harmony in home
When there is harmony in home, there is order in the nation
When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world”

Who gives Righteousness in heart:
Father, Mother -Should read spiritual books
Primary School teacher, “Light of Knowledge”

Indian has 60 Million youth

Vedas and Society
Ships, boats, palaces, Mathematics, Astronomy, Ayurveda International Universities with 60 subjects before 2000 years

Vedic Science: Earth as mother and son as soul of all moving entities. Environmental consciousness.

“God has created the human being with brain and thinking faculty. He has commanded His creation that the faculty be used with reasoning to reach his message. This is the mission of human life.
Prayer for peace:

“Oh Almighty, create thoughts and actions in the minds of people of my nation so that they live united. Oh Almighty, bless my country a path of life with righteousness as righteousness gives the strength of character. Help all religious leaders of my country to give strength to the people to combat the divisive forces.

“Guide my people to develop an attitude to appreciate different ideologies and transform enmity among individuals, organisations and nations into friendliness and harmony. Embed the thought that nation is bigger than individuals in the minds of the leaders of the people. Oh God, bless my people to work with perseverance to transform the country into a peaceful and prosperous nation.”

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