Sunday 16th February 2025,
HHR News

mahesh bhatt

Aborting the Goddess : India’s Shame

Aborting the Goddess : India’s Shame

Where are the Voices of Leadership? From ancient times India has been worshipped as Mata Bharat or Mother India. The country’s very soil is therefore not just motherland but the mother goddess herself. Which makes the now notorious brutal rape and murder of the 23 year old female medical student all the more poignant.Stripped of [...]

December 28, 2012 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 0

The Shameful Reality Behind ‘Progressive’ India

The Shameful Reality Behind ‘Progressive’ India

On Sunday 16 December 2012 a 23-year old was gang-raped and brutally beaten with an iron rod for about 45 minutes on a Delhi bus. The crime was so animalistic that NDTV news channel has reported that the woman has had to undergo surgery for two hours to have almost her entire intestines removed. The [...]

December 19, 2012 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 0
HHR News