Sunday 08th December 2024,
HHR News

Suhag Shukla

Hinduphobic Newsweek Does A Hit Piece On Tulsi Gabbard Falling Flat Than Flat Earth

Hinduphobic Newsweek Does A Hit Piece On Tulsi Gabbard Falling Flat Than Flat Earth

Suhag Shukla @SuhagAShukla from HAF caught out Newsweek @Newsweek on it’s hit piece on Tulsi Gabbard @TulsiGabbard for taking her oath on the Gita which according to their highly intelligent fair judgement reporting made her a “Hindu Nationalist.” which means one of the humans sacrificing Thuggees from Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom. So [...]

December 4, 2024 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Global Hindus, HHR Videos, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

Stealing Yoga and What Else ?

Stealing Yoga and What Else ?

India has now however rightfully made a move to patent Yoga asanas and will probably patent more of the indigenous Hindu practices in the years to come. [...]

May 5, 2012 HHR The Yoga Snatchers 3
HHR News