At the Hindu Lord of the Rings gathering connected with the September 2018 World Hindu Conference in Chicago, were incensed at how US politician Tulsi Gabbard withdrew from not just being the chair of the conference, but any participation in it. [...]
The furore created by US presidential candidate, the populist and conservative Republican Donald Trump, who stated that Muslim immigration to America should be stopped, needs to be seen in a wider context. It has come hot on the heels of a refugee crisis as millions try and flee war torn Syria, caught between an embattled [...]
December 14, 2015
Ranbir Singh
Analysis/Insights, World Focus
The murder of three innocent Israeli teenagers has once again led to recriminations by Israel against the Hamas controlled Palestinian authority in Gaza. This adds more fuel to a combustible mix where you have the ultra-puritan jihad warriors of ISIS trying to create an orthodox Sunni Islamic state, centered on Iraq and Syria, but which [...]
July 24, 2014
Ranbir Singh
Analysis/Insights, Archives