Sunday 09th February 2025,
HHR News


The West’s Grooming of Radical Islam : Part 2

The West’s Grooming of Radical Islam : Part 2

The creation of Pakistan was to have devastating long-term consequences for world security. But the first people to suffer would be the Bengali-speaking majority in that state. In this the very western democracies who had fought Nazism and conducted the Nuremberg Trials would not just be complicit in the ensuing genocide but actively support it. [...]

May 2, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 2

The West’s Grooming of Radical Islam : Part 1

The West’s Grooming of Radical Islam : Part 1

When the Indian elections  were looming back in 2014 the western media was full of hysteria and paranoia reminiscent out of some science fiction novel depicting a dystopian future where human civilisation has all but collapsed. Led by the anti-Hindu rag known as the Guardian, we were repeatedly fed a constant feed of dire warnings [...]

April 16, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives 2

The West and India : Never the twain shall meet ?

The West and India : Never the twain shall meet ?

Since the attacks of 9/11 we have been told that there is a war on terror. But India was suffering such terrorism long before this yet the rest of the world averted its gaze. In fact it is a sad indictment of the self-appointed leaders of the Free World, Britain and America, that they would [...]

January 9, 2014 Ranbir Singh Archives, World Focus 2
HHR News