Based on a number of requests to explain the basics of Eastern philosophies in English for those daunted by the sheer volume of foreign terms, I have attempted to present a simplified summary of basic concepts in one document. I’m only a student myself, so I assume all responsibility for any inaccuracies in the following [...]
October 14, 2016
Guest Author
Analysis/Insights, Archives
Now that everybody had had his say on the “Rajiv Malhotra plagiarism affair”, we can better discern the larger context that explains the different forces at work here. Plagiarism The trigger was the discovery that seven passages in Malhotra’s work, mainly in his book Indra’s Net, had been lifted verbatim from unacknowledged work by others, [...]
July 23, 2015
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, Archives