Saturday 14th September 2024,
HHR News


Harvard study finds yoga and meditation reduces healthcare cost by 43%

Harvard study finds yoga and meditation reduces healthcare cost by 43%

Practices like yoga, meditation and prayer can help curb the need for general healthcare services by almost 50 percent according to researchers.  A study done by Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)’s Institute for Technology Assessment and the Benson-Henry Institute (BHI) reveals that evoking the relaxation response or a physiologic state of deep rest, helps alleviate stress and anxiety, [...]

February 18, 2016 HHR Archives, News updates 0

Meditation Education

Meditation Education

There are many misconceptions about Yoga and/or meditation, especially in the material-minded West. Many there, seem to confuse relaxation and “mindfulness” with Hindu’s meditation-proper, which is primarily of a more exact and technical methodology, and is of a primarly psycho-spiritual nature. This is a typical confusion that happens often between Eastern spirituality and/or Yogic techniques and with vague New Age cliches. [...]

March 11, 2015 Sean Bradrick The Yoga Snatchers, World Focus 0

Why Western Women Embrace Hinduism ? Part 1

Why Western Women Embrace Hinduism ?  Part 1

Since time immemorial there have been strong and influential Western women who have been drawn to and been inspired by Hinduism, and who have taken up the mantle of Hindu Dharma, becoming great leaders, swaminis, and gurus as keepers and vanguards of this ancient culture. [...]

March 7, 2015 HHR Archives, Spirituality/Culture, World Focus 1

The British Parliament Stops to Meditate

The British Parliament Stops to Meditate

When you think of the places where you’re likely to encounter mindfulness meditation—like a yoga studio or a temple or a serene health retreat—British Parliament is probably the last place you would think of. With a highly charged atmosphere that sometimes even erupts in shouting matches on the debate floor, it’s hard to imagine any [...]

June 29, 2014 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

The Elements and the Mind.

The Elements and the Mind.

It has often been said that much of our spiritual journey is an attempt to tame the ‘monkey mind’, as the mind is often compared with the actions of a monkey-jumping from one thing to another.  It would be true to say that the serious spiritual work does not begin until one has tamed the [...]

December 22, 2013 HHR Archives, Spirituality/Culture 0

Harvard Yoga Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit

Harvard Yoga Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit

Scientists are getting close to proving what yogis have held to be true for centuries — yoga and meditation can ward off stress and disease. John Denninger, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, is leading a five-year study on how the ancient practices affect genes and brain activity in the chronically stressed. His latest work [...]

November 25, 2013 HHR Articles, Hinduism and the World of Science 0

Healing Powers Of Chi

Healing Powers Of Chi

Healing by sending energy through the hands, “and He laid hands on each one of them and healed them,” is based on the healer’s ability to connect with and consciously direct the cosmic energy of God. The body lives in an omnipresent sea of this vibratory power… One who knows his soul knows how to [...]

May 31, 2013 HHR HHR Videos 0

Vedic Evolution of Consciousness

Vedic Evolution of Consciousness

Modern psychology and cognitive science is only now exploring the frontiers of consciousness (exemplified in Vedanta) and its impact on human life and behaviour. Current researches (Joel Krueger) in the field also indicate that transcending of the personalized ego often leads to a unified mode of awareness and “That a scholar acquires a new insight, [...]

August 8, 2012 Tina Sadhwani Spirituality/Culture 2

Hinduism, Not Simply a Monotheistic Religion

Hinduism, Not Simply a Monotheistic Religion

Hinduism is not simply another monotheistic religion, as a few groups seem to be implying today. [...]

May 13, 2012 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights 4

Evolution : A Hindu Perspective

Evolution : A Hindu Perspective

Evolution and Science Modern science recognizes an evolution of form in the world of nature as the dominant movement of life. It notes how the bodies of different creatures adapt over time, becoming more complex and sophisticated through succeeding generations, with new species arising that demonstrate important advances in structure and function over what went [...]

May 10, 2012 Vamadev Shastri Spirituality/Culture 1
HHR News