Sunday 16th February 2025,
HHR News

tapan gosh

Sabina to Nandini, Kashmira to Kavita, Rukaiya to Rumpa, Roshna to Jyotsna

Sabina to Nandini, Kashmira to Kavita, Rukaiya to Rumpa, Roshna to Jyotsna

And other converted brides with new names. Madhuparna Das travels to 4 Bengal districts and finds out how Hindu groups sheltered and ‘purified’ these Muslim women before marriage to Hindus Sister married a muslim, brother ‘paid them back’ Ummekulchum Khatun, 22, now Antara Bachar Ummekulchum married Rajshekhar Bachar, an RSS worker from Sundarban village in [...]

August 22, 2016 HHR Archives, India, Spirituality/Culture 0

Interview with Tapan Ghosh founder and head of Hindu Samhati

Interview with Tapan Ghosh founder and head of Hindu Samhati

Tapan Ghosh is the founder and head of Hindu Samhati, West Bengal. He has been a tireless activist fighting for Hindus and Hindu causes in the state at immense personal risk. How did the idea of founding an organization like Hindu Samhati strike you? Well, it was the farthest thing from my future plan, when [...]

July 2, 2014 HHR Archives, India 3
HHR News