Sunday 16th February 2025,
HHR News


Antipodean ‘Yogis’ faking it to make it across Black Lives Matter

Antipodean ‘Yogis’ faking it to make it across Black Lives Matter

Today, making the mistake of scrolling Facebook with better things to do, I happened across a post on BLM and anti-racist issues above an article critiquing love and light washing in the ‘spiritual’ community. This post was all about how white yoga teachers should stand with indigenous Australians and stop being racists. Published in a [...]

June 17, 2020 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, News updates, The Yoga Snatchers, World Focus 0

A Yogi Revives Yoga in India

A Yogi Revives Yoga in India

For the first time, an International Yoga Day will be celebrated on 21st of June this year. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had suggested this honour for yoga and his suggestion got overwhelming support from 177 countries. Yoga has indeed become popular all over the world. Many millions practice it – from schoolchildren to senior citizens [...]

May 30, 2015 HHR Archives, Spirituality/Culture 0

The Elements and the Mind.

The Elements and the Mind.

It has often been said that much of our spiritual journey is an attempt to tame the ‘monkey mind’, as the mind is often compared with the actions of a monkey-jumping from one thing to another.  It would be true to say that the serious spiritual work does not begin until one has tamed the [...]

December 22, 2013 HHR Archives, Spirituality/Culture 0
HHR News