Saturday 27th July 2024,
HHR News


How Modi’s demonisation fueled his rise

How Modi’s demonisation fueled his rise

‘What was predictable, but entirely missed by Modi’s strident critics, is that the excessive and intemperate demonisation of Modi allowed him to assume his own metaphor — the underdog, the martyr, the marginalised,’ says Dr Aseem Shukla. As the newly anointed Prime Minister Narendra Modi ascended the steps of India’s Parliament for the first time [...]

May 30, 2014 HHR Analysis/Insights 0

Anish Kapoor : Behind the Mask

Anish Kapoor : Behind the Mask

The artist Anish Kapoor was one of the signatories to banning Narendra Modi from Britain. Yet his attack on the now prime minister of India was extreme even by the standards of those who opposed Modi. It was fanatical, venomous and very psychologically imbalanced. On BBC Newsnight on 16 May 2014 Kapoor said Modi was [...]

May 28, 2014 HHR Analysis/Insights, Hinduphobia 0

British MP complains to ‘Hindu Phobic’ BBC coverage over Indian Election

British MP complains to ‘Hindu Phobic’ BBC coverage over Indian Election

With the continuous anti Hindu diatribe lead by the Western media  covering the Indian elections has once again brought into the open the Hinduphobia prevalent in the West recycling misinformation and promoting well known Hinduphobes  as ‘experts’ on India.. Recently BBCs Newsnight programme  well known Hinduphobe William Dalrymple along with a new sidekick  Anish Kapoor who [...]

May 23, 2014 HHR News updates, World Focus 0

Britain cannot simply Ignore these Anti-Hindu Extremists

Britain cannot simply Ignore these Anti-Hindu Extremists

The election of Narendra Modi as the choice for millions in the world’s largest democracy is a bit galling to those whose concept of ‘democratic’ resembles Lenin’s armed force against the elected government of Alexander Kerensky in revolutionary Russia. Yet even before Modi’s election in what proved to be a pivotal moment in Indian democracy [...]

May 18, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, World Focus 1

India v. Hinduphobia: What Narendra Modi’s Election as Prime Minister Really Means

India v. Hinduphobia: What Narendra Modi’s Election as Prime Minister Really Means

Narendra Modi’s victory needs to be understood beyond the two commonly heard positions we have heard these past few months leading up to the election. Critics of Mr. Modi’s saw his rise as the march of Hindu nationalist fascism and the inevitable death of secularism in India. Supporters of Mr. Modi saw his rise as [...]

May 17, 2014 HHR Analysis/Insights 0

Narendra Modi & Shinzo Abe: What explains the Western loathing?

Narendra Modi & Shinzo Abe: What explains the Western loathing?

“A stunted, lymphatic, yellow-faced heathen, with a mouthful of teeth three sizes too big for him, bulging slits where his eyes ought to be, blacking-brush hair, a foolish giggle, a cruel heart, and the conceit of the devil. . . . It is a grave question whether Japan. . . . is in the least [...]

May 1, 2014 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 3

The Liberal Neo-Colonial Mindset

The Liberal Neo-Colonial Mindset

Whenever the Indian elections are underway the western media is even more panicked than usual about the impending doom faced by the world’s largest democracy as it falls into the abyss of Hindu fascism, fundamentalism, nationalism, and other assorted ‘reactionary’ forces. The parrot-fashion use of such worn-out phrases and the lazy reliance on the chattering [...]

April 22, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

USA : Hindu-Phobic Hate Group Exposed by HAF

USA : Hindu-Phobic Hate Group Exposed by HAF

Update :  Editors Note Its come to our Attention that HAF’s report Coalition Against Genocide didnt credit Abhimanyu Arjun who supplied them the information with a compiled 400 page report with detailed breakdowns of all the groups, their inter-connections, tax information, website profiles, This information has also been used by think-tanks in India and in [...]

December 16, 2013 HHR World Focus 0

“Hindu Fascism” Marxist Swearology

“Hindu Fascism” Marxist Swearology

The terms left and right have been appropriated, especially in India but also western universities, by Marxist academics as progressive and regressive, respectively. Hence they are not explanatory, but laudatory and condemnatory. They are also problematic in the real world. If fascism never existed, Marxists would invent it as they have done with “Hindu fascism” [...]

July 22, 2013 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 2

Hindu Identity :To Be or Not To be ?

Hindu Identity :To Be or Not To be ?

Some Hindus these days think we should stop using the Hindu label as an identity because its origins are foreign. Regretfully even some Hindu gurus and swamis have joined the fray by also expressing their reservations about its feasibility for the Hindu community worldwide. However, on closer reflection any idea of ditching the term ‘Hindu’ [...]

August 23, 2012 HHR Archives, Understanding hinduism 2
HHR News