Monday 17th February 2025,
HHR News

All posts by Rajesh Patel

The Symbolism of the Churning of the Ocean

The Symbolism of the Churning of the Ocean

One of the most famous stories of Hinduism is that of the Great Churning of the Ocean by the Devas and Asuras (Gods and Demons) in the quest for the Nectar of Immortality. This tale has deeper dimensions, capturing insights into the nature of existence that the ancient Rishis (sages) discovered in deep meditation. All of [...]

September 2, 2015 Rajesh Patel Archives, Hindu Wisdom 0

What’s Eating the Patels ? : A Patel Answers

What’s Eating the Patels ? :  A Patel Answers

Many Patels in Gujarat are agitating for Other Backward Caste status, in order to access the same “Reserv­ation” benefits as Scheduled Castes, Schedules Tribes and Other Backward Castes. Reservations are a quota based form of affirmative action, through which a certain percentage of government jobs and places in educational institutes are guaranteed to members of [...]

August 31, 2015 Rajesh Patel Archives, India 0

Hindu’s lack of activism compared with adherents of other faiths

Hindu’s lack of activism compared with adherents of other faiths

“…aggressive religions – they tend to overrun the Earth. Hinduism on the other hand is passive, and therein lies its danger.” (Sri Aurobindo, 1926) Throughout life it has often appeared to me that Hindus were passive. I don’t mean passive in terms of being non-violent (though that may also be the case), but passive in [...]

April 15, 2015 Rajesh Patel Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

Parenting and the Karmic link between Generations

Parenting and the Karmic link between Generations

When my son (who at the time of writing is 4 years old) was born, I felt connected with the vastness of eternity in a way that I had never felt before. Having a a child of your own is an amazing experience – seeing someone who looks like you playing, learning, being mischievous in [...]

March 29, 2015 Rajesh Patel Spirituality/Culture 0

Is it OK to “leave justice to Karma” ?

Is it OK to “leave justice to Karma” ?

When someone harms you or someone to whom you have a sense of responsibility, getting suitable justice, or ensuring that the perpetrator is punished is not always easy. In Hinduism we have the concept of karma, so if justice is not easy to come by there is a temptation to feel that even if we [...]

March 17, 2015 Rajesh Patel Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

Satsang: what it really means

Satsang: what it really means

“The company of the great is very difficult, even inaccessible, but it is infallible.” (Narada Bhakti Sutras. 39) Literally speaking, “sat” means truth, and “sang” means to be associated with. Satsang in Hinduism usually refers to a gathering of spiritual aspirants, and participating is such gatherings is meant to lead to tremendously greater progress than [...]

March 12, 2015 Rajesh Patel Analysis/Insights 0

Bringing up Hindu kids in the West – thinking about transmission of Culture, Ideas & Experiences

Bringing up Hindu kids in the West – thinking about transmission of Culture, Ideas & Experiences

At a recent discussion group, attended by UK born Hindus in our 30s, some of whom have young children, a recurring theme was the way in which we would like our children to relate to their Indian cultural and religious heritage. We inevitably drew on, recounted and considered our own experiences and exposures to Indian [...]

March 6, 2015 Rajesh Patel Spirituality/Culture 0

Hindus against censorship: please sign petition to support Gaurav Sawant

Hindus against censorship: please sign petition to support Gaurav Sawant

*** Click here to sign petition *** Gaurav Sawant (right), a deputy editor for Headlines Today (part of the India Today group) is being threatened with dismissal.The reason for this, is that he has dared to question (on Twitter)  the way that the mainstream media fails to highlight or report accurately incidents of violence or religious intolerance in [...]

July 29, 2014 Rajesh Patel India, News updates 0

The “All Religions are Equal” Syndrome Amongst Hindus

The “All Religions are Equal” Syndrome Amongst Hindus

As per my typical “modern-Hindu” upbringing – I was taught to see all other religions in the best possible light, on par with my own. “All religions are a path to the same God” was an often repeated phrase when talking about religion. I remember a member of my family speaking in praise of Prophet [...]

July 15, 2014 Rajesh Patel Analysis/Insights 0

“ What’s this man, you turning into a priest or something? ”

“ What’s this man, you turning into a priest or something? ”

When I used to study for exams at university I sometimes kept a copy of the Gita on the table with me. I’d read a page or two now and again, for example during breaks. Straight away I would begin to feel more focused and positive. The Gita certainly was an important companion for me [...]

July 15, 2014 Rajesh Patel Archives, Spirituality/Culture 0
HHR News