Thursday 13th February 2025,
HHR News

hindu activism

Video : Hindu Boy Learning Ganesh Puja But Will He Also Be Learning About Hindu Persecution ?

Video : Hindu Boy Learning Ganesh Puja But Will He Also Be Learning About Hindu Persecution ?

Obviously, this is very good and every Hindu kid should be taught this with other Hindu practices from babyhood. As usual, we can see many Hindus watching this video on Twitter are teary-eyed with joy and happiness running around trees and flowers like in cringey Bollywood movie. [...]

August 7, 2022 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, News updates, Spirituality/Culture, World Focus 0

Video : The Barmy Hindu X – Twitterati Army : The Activist Hindu Man’s Burden

Video : The Barmy Hindu X – Twitterati Army : The Activist Hindu Man’s Burden

But among this theatre of madness is also the biggest burden real Hindu activists have to deal with when the Barmy Hindu Twitterati army is on the loose. This motley crew of online Hindoos who most lived totally boring lives suddenly turned superhero to let loose their alter egos on social media especially Twitter. They are [...]

June 13, 2021 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles, HHR Videos, India, News updates, World Focus 0

A Call For Hindu Activism

A Call For Hindu Activism

Sanatana Dharma represents the world’s most ancient continuously practiced, indigenous spiritual and philosophical tradition, which focuses on inner knowledge over outer belief and finds its basis in timeless truths and natural law. These truths have been recorded in our scriptures throughout the ages. The wisdom of the Vedas comes from the ancient rishis, nagas and [...]

October 9, 2020 Sean Bradrick Analysis/Insights, Archives, Spirituality/Culture 0

Hindu Community Leaders & the Chai-Pakora Syndrome 

Hindu Community Leaders & the Chai-Pakora Syndrome 

A few years ago, I became aware of several problems that affected Hindus in Britain (and elsewhere), and wanted to do my bit to help. I have come across many young Hindus who have felt like this at some point in their life. In my innocence, I thought that joining some or other large Hindu organisation [...]

February 5, 2020 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

HHR Video : A Bunch of Thoughts on the World Hindu Congress 2018 by Dr Koenraad Elst

HHR Video : A Bunch of Thoughts on the World Hindu Congress 2018 by Dr Koenraad Elst

Some HHR members met up with Dr Koenraad Elst for a Phone Vid interview in the gardens of Russell Square in London about his views on the recent World Hindu Congress 2018 in Chicago and other Hindu issues. Some noise in background due to police helicopter looking for runaway criminals.. [...]

September 28, 2018 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos 0

Hindu’s lack of activism compared with adherents of other faiths

Hindu’s lack of activism compared with adherents of other faiths

“…aggressive religions – they tend to overrun the Earth. Hinduism on the other hand is passive, and therein lies its danger.” (Sri Aurobindo, 1926) Throughout life it has often appeared to me that Hindus were passive. I don’t mean passive in terms of being non-violent (though that may also be the case), but passive in [...]

April 15, 2015 Rajesh Patel Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

Interview with Tapan Ghosh founder and head of Hindu Samhati

Interview with Tapan Ghosh founder and head of Hindu Samhati

Tapan Ghosh is the founder and head of Hindu Samhati, West Bengal. He has been a tireless activist fighting for Hindus and Hindu causes in the state at immense personal risk. How did the idea of founding an organization like Hindu Samhati strike you? Well, it was the farthest thing from my future plan, when [...]

July 2, 2014 HHR Archives, India 3
HHR News