Even though the opposition are celebrating with their pot belly dance routine after gaining a few toilet seats, the message is very clear to the BJP who still retains power after losing Ayodhya to not take the Gods as fools. Yes, building temples are good but that alone is not going to save Hinduism. Sri [...]
If the comedy can’t get worse, now we get another Gungadin Jouno propagandist called Siddhant Adlakha criticising Gungadin Dev Patel for not attacking imaginary Hindtuva- Hindu nationalism enough in his latest movie then goes into a total rant of pushing white racist narratives against Hindus reconstructed in a new mask of lefty/progressive/liberal talking points . [...]
For once, the secularists have it right. The nationalism by which the Hindutva crowd swears, is a Western invention. Feelings for your home country are universal, and natives of India will need no prodding nor any foreign or native ideology to defend their country when necessary. [...]
September 28, 2017
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, Archives
“If the secularists didn’t control the bottleneck of information on India, the West would be far less anti-Narendra Modi. Without a constant stream of anti-Modi propaganda, … you will see the West turn business-like towards Narendra Modi soon enough. Like the East India Company of the early years, the West only sees India in business [...]
June 20, 2014
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, World Focus
The election of Narendra Modi as the choice for millions in the world’s largest democracy is a bit galling to those whose concept of ‘democratic’ resembles Lenin’s armed force against the elected government of Alexander Kerensky in revolutionary Russia. Yet even before Modi’s election in what proved to be a pivotal moment in Indian democracy [...]
May 18, 2014
Ranbir Singh
Analysis/Insights, World Focus
In the recent years there has been a rise of Hindu activism in India and globally as the alternative to the traditional activism of the RSS and the rest of the Sangh Parivar family . Dr Koenraad Elst and Rajesh of HHR discuss this phenomenon. [...]
January 11, 2014
HHR Videos
Alone of all the major world religions, Hinduism is defined by those who not only do not share the faith but who are in fact implacably hostile to it. Wendy Doniger of Chicago University is but one example. Globally renowned as an ‘authority’ on Hindu religion her writings betray overt hostility and hatred of Hinduism [...]
April 29, 2012
Ranbir Singh