The Essence of Hinduism This is the sum of all true righteousness: deal with others as thou wouldst thyself be dealt by. Do nothing to thy neighbour that thou wouldst not have him do to thee hereafter. (Mahabharata) Gambling Gambling will make one lose these five: Riches, food, fame, learning and clothes.(Tirukkural) Pursuit of wealth [...]
September 28, 2012
Archives, Hindu Wisdom
The fruit of self realization is for the one who is centered. A popular Hindu story about Lord Ganesha conveys the truth. Saint Narada once handed over a mango to Shiva and Parvati. He said that it was a special mango which would bestow eternal wisdom on whoever savours it. There was also a hitch [...]
September 20, 2012
Hindu Wisdom
A man died and went to heaven as a result of his good acts in life. God showed him all the beauties of Heaven. When He had finished, the man said, ‘Oh, Lord, all this is delightful beyond imagination. But is there no greater Heaven than this?’ ‘There is,’ said Vishnu and took the man [...]
September 11, 2012
Hindu Wisdom
Uddhava, the apprentice of Krishna, one day expressed his dis-satisfaction to Krishna that in-spite of studying all Vedas ,Upnishadas and Sutras, he still was not recipient of the title “Maha-Rishi”, meaning the great sage. He indirectly suggested that Krishna should use his weight in the council of wise men to honor him with the title. [...]
September 10, 2012
Hindu Wisdom
Once, there lived a pious Brahmin in a small village, by the name of Mitra Sharma. He used to perform religious rituals. On one occasion, he was rewarded with a goat for his services by a wealthy man. The Brahmin was happy to get a goat as the reward. He happily slung the goat over [...]
June 13, 2012
Hindu Wisdom