While the Hindu Twittratri taskforce continues with Twitter online Dharma Yudh or read my book conferences other Hindus like this Tamil Hindu priest took action on the ground against a burly-looking thief who stole his bag from the Shiva temple in London . Later it was reported the police arrested the thief. About time Hindus [...]
Tamil Hindus are a minority in Sri Lanka but they are facing stiff challenges from other minority religions when it comes to freely practice their faith. On Mahashivaratri, one of the prominent Tamil Hindu religious festivals, Tamil Hindus faced a harrowing time at Thiruketheechcharam Siva Temple, Mannar, Sri Lanka when hooligans descended on the site [...]
The Sri Lankan military “organised and facilitated” a Hindu temple ceremony at a temple inside a High Security Zone (HSZ) in Jaffna on Tuesday, reports an official military website. The annual festival of the Veeramanikkathevanthurai Sri Kanngathevi temple, which is situated inside the Myliddy HSZ, took place on June 30 with the Sri Lankan military [...]
A NGO is urging the Tourism and Culture Ministry to stop a housing developer from demolishing remnants of ancient temples in Bujang Valley and to preserve the area. PETALING JAYA: A housing developer has demolished several temples sites, including an 8th century heritage site, in Bujang Valley, Kedah, and the authorities are not taking any [...]
November 30, 2013
Four Hindu temples in the Batticaloa District were ransacked and damaged by unidentified persons back in June The well-crafted sculptures and other idols at the temples were vandalized and jewellery and money were looted, sources said. The vandalized temples are Sri Sellakathirgamar Temple, Maangadu Pillaiyar Temple, Kirankulam Iyanaar Temple and Pandiruppu Draupathai Amman Temple. According [...]
September 15, 2013
Articles, Sri Lanka
Police officials have stopped the protest organized by the vishva hindu parishad movement on attacks against hindu kovils in Tamil areas. They were schedule to stage protest infront of Nallur Kandasuwamy kovil this morning and police refused to grant permission for this protest. Large group of police and intelligence unit members were deployed at the [...]
Waythamoorthy Ponnusamy has been on a hunger strike for nearly three weeks demanding equal rights for Hindus and other minorities. He is trying to get the ruling coalition and political Opposition to accept the demands of his Indian rights organisation Hindraf, which aims to improve the rights and living conditions of Malaysian Indians in their [...]
March 29, 2013
Malaysia, News updates
If we think about why we are still Hindus today, enjoying an unbroken connection and continuity with our ancient past – it is because of great people like this who stopped us from suffering wholesale deculturalisation and loss of spiritual traditions during the colonial era, on the same catastrophic scale as the natives of the [...]
September 25, 2012
History, Sri Lanka