Saturday 27th July 2024,
HHR News


Video : Oil Protestors Damage Ancient Stonehenge

Video :  Oil Protestors Damage Ancient Stonehenge

Two Just Stop Oil activists have been arrested after spraying Stonehenge’s stone circle, near Salisbury, with an orange substance at around 11 am on Wednesday on the eve of the summer solstice which is a spiritual pagan event that all pagans including Hindus respect. It’s the typical narc behavior of ‘Look at Me, I’m So [...]

June 19, 2024 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, Indigenous/Pagan Voice, News updates, World Focus 0

Left Wing , Right Wing Or Just ‘White’ Wing ?

Left Wing , Right Wing Or Just ‘White’ Wing ?

On the positive side, these pro-Palestinian protests are bringing into the public eye the academic, media, and political networks that for decades have helped to promote jihadist propaganda and agendas but were always ignored. However, this new axis of hate cannot be ignored anymore as it is too obvious. Of course, one cannot generalize all [...]

May 26, 2024 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : The Ram Temple A Victory For All Indigenous ‘Pagan’ People

Video : The Ram Temple A Victory For All Indigenous ‘Pagan’ People

Sarah Gates and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati discuss with Zakka Jacob the wider global eventual impact of the Ram temple on other indigenous people across the world whose religious places were also taken over by colonial religious bigots which is why the Ram temple is also a victory for them.. This also shows why the extreme [...]

January 23, 2024 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : Ram Temple Updates Around The World

Video :  Ram Temple Updates Around The World

The latest and daily updates on the festivals and celebrations for the Ram Temple in Ayodhya and the impact of it on the Hindu community around the world along with giving nightmares and heart attacks to religious bigots and left-wing and right-wing Hinduphobic racists sitting in the West worried about a mass 'heathen Pagan ' [...]

January 21, 2024 HHR Archives, Global Hindus, HHR Videos, News updates, World Focus 0

The West’s Karma Finally Catching Up But Will They Learn ?

The West’s Karma Finally Catching Up But Will They Learn ?

Karma is beyond getting rewards or being punished for the deeds you do but its main purpose is to teach you valuable lessons to better yourself so you don’t repeat the same mistakes. How Hatred Reincarnates Itself The Islamic extremism seen on the streets of Britain since the attack on Israel by Hamas is in [...]

December 12, 2023 HHR Analysis/Insights, History, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : Benjamin Zephaniah Exposes Con Artist Mother Teresa

Video : Benjamin Zephaniah Exposes Con Artist Mother Teresa

The Late Poet Benjamin Zephaniah with Dr Raj Pandit exposing fraudster Mother Teresa from a clip on the very same BBC that had promoted her years earlier as a saint civlising the Hindu savages on the rampage. Full Debate Does Mother Teresa deserve a sainthood? Does it even matter? Aroup Chatterjee, writer of ‘Mother Teresa [...]

December 10, 2023 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Missionaries, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : Ayodhya : A Victory For All Indigenous People Around The World

Video :  Ayodhya : A Victory For All Indigenous People Around The World

As Ayodhya is not just a symbol of indigenous Hindu resistance against the one god of imperialism and his my way or the highway One book but it’s also a victory for all indigenous people and those returning back to their pagan roots across the world. Hindu Human Rights Director Sarah L Gates joins NewsX [...]

November 25, 2023 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles, HHR Videos, History, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : World’s Largest Natarajan Installed At G20 Symbolising The Rise Of Indigenous People

Video : World’s Largest Natarajan Installed At G20 Symbolising The Rise Of Indigenous People

Not only do we see this as a symbol of India’s indigenous Hindu culture on the rise that’s not ended up in the museum but also as a platform for other indigenous ancients whom we Hindus will help rise in the future. Days before G20 Summit, the world’s tallest Nataraja statue was installed at Bharat [...]

September 10, 2023 HHR Archives, India, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : PM Modi In Australia – A Hindu Perspective

Video : PM Modi In Australia – A Hindu Perspective

PM Modi focused on the ‘paraspara’ concept that is the mutual cooperation between India & Australia: @DrAmitSarwal Australian govt is taking India & its concerns very seriously. They want to pull out the hatred for the Hindus from our community:  @SarahLGates1   Also Watch : Video : Australian Hindus Protest Against Khalistani Far Right Attacks [...]

May 24, 2023 HHR Archives, Articles, Global Hindus, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : Dr Koenraad Elst and Ranbir Discuss Hinduphobia Denial and Aryan Race Theories Outside Westminister

Video : Dr Koenraad Elst and Ranbir Discuss Hinduphobia Denial and Aryan Race Theories Outside Westminister

Dr Koenraad Elst and Ranbir Discuss the continuing Hinduphobia Denial by the right wing and even more by the left wing which has recently increased even more with Rishi Sunak taking control of the British Empire. Also discussed are the Aryan Race theories that are still being taught as fact. [...]

November 3, 2022 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0
HHR News