“I hate Indian people. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion (Hinduism)” – Winston Churchill TV personality Adil Ray claimed on 6 April 2023 on Good Morning Britain that he has suffered ‘nothing but racism’ for past week after Suella Braverman’s comments on British Pakistani men being responsible for a disproportionate amount of [...]
Karan Kataria, an Indigenous Hindu from Haryana, got disqualified from running for the post of General Secretary of the LSE Students’ Union after a Hinduphobic smear campaign was launched against him because of his Indian and Hindu identity. I have faced personal, vicious, and targeted attacks due to the anti-India rhetoric and Hinduphobia. [...]
Why is Christianity rapidly spreading across the Sikh masses in India and across the world? Well here’s the answer when we have khalistani far-right fascist useful idiots doing 99% of the work for the church in advance where a group of Neo Sikh supremacists disrupted Vaisakhi in Adelaide, Australia celebrated by Sikhs, Hindus and others [...]
Religious intolerance has completely taken over humanity and I have seen that today. I was taken aback to see my very lovely friend who was just dancing with us a couple of minutes back, now with a swollen eye and broken glasses. [...]
Your perception is completely wrong. It's a depiction of the Great Cosmic force Kali portrays her as being black as the night, moving over Shiva’s dead, white body. This portrayal uncovers the centrality of the two crucial parts of Reality. [...]
The Fake Caste Discrimination laws passed in Seattle show how far the extreme Hinduphobia has risen especially targetting Brahmins who are going to face even more attacks including violence if Hindus don’t take action now against all the hate. [...]
Demanding Western 'Selective' Freedom of Expression on India is equivalent to demanding Nazi propaganda should be allowed in the state of Israel.
1. India should be commended for raiding bandit BBC for tax issues but this should be the start. India should revoke their license for perpetuating racism, colonialism and Hinduphobia. While Britain as a whole [...]
Sarah L Gates, a Ph D student in Yoga, has been the target for Anti-Sanatani forces, who gang up and heap abuse on anyone daring to call their bluff. The latest? Starting Facebook pages with names around Bajrang Dal and claiming that they are selling illegal weapons. Sarah’s crime? She caught one such page red-handed, [...]
As expected the so-called 'Left' media back to their inherent white racist hypocritical behaviour fronted by their faithful brown gungadins to write the articles to attack indigenous Hindus because they aren't celebrating St Valentines Day but instead want to hug a cow. [...]
'Anti-India propaganda' - Why is foreign press facing anger in India? Amid furore over BBC docu-series, a look at international reports on India shows how West views India with a coloured glass. Be it G20 presidency, economy, or Pakistan, @poojashali exposes Western media bias against India. [...]