Thursday 13th February 2025,
HHR News

Video : Hindu Woman Arrested But Where Are The Millions Of Hindus On The Streets Demanding Her Release ?

Video : Hindu Woman Arrested But Where Are The Millions Of Hindus On The Streets Demanding Her Release ?

Kajal Hindustani has been arrested by Gujarat police and thrown in jail, for a speech where she talked of forced conversion which is true. But where are the millions of Hindus on the streets demanding her release? Farmer protests,Anti CAA protests, Ram Janambhoomi were successful because people were on the streets protesting which is something these Hindus ranting on Twitter still haven’t worked out in a country of a billion Hindus.

Are the millions of Hindu temples raising her arrest to the masses ? Nope because they are run by cowards who have twisted Hindu teachings which demands ground action to escapism and donations.

What did these Hindus learn from the recent Ram Naumi or Hanuman Jayanti celebrations? Was Sri Ram or Hanuman crying on Twitter demanding that Ravaan change his ways or they took action ? The Gita itself says  “Arise, O Prince! Give up this faint-heartedness, this weakness! Stand up and fight!” (Gita, II. 3.)

If you can’t even ironically learn from Hinduism itself that calls for action then at least learn from Iranian women and men who are standing up against a brutal regime and even getting tortured and killed but are not stopping.

But look at these billion Hindus in contrast whose weak behaviour sends a message to anti-Hindus to invite more attacks on Hindus. And because of this weak behaviour, they actually push more and more who are born in Hindu families into the anti hindu camp to be safe.



‘We Need Hindu Unity’ or Do We ?

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