Tuesday 18th February 2025,
HHR News

Hindus Are Reminded Of Their ‘Zero Value’ Over ‘Limited Value’ Victim Killed In Seattle

Hindus Are Reminded Of Their ‘Zero Value’ Over ‘Limited Value’ Victim Killed In Seattle

Of course, the ‘limited-value’ victim could have been anyone crossing the pathway facing the police car but Jaahnavi Kandula also happened to be from a Hindu background which means Hindus raising her death are reminded they have ‘zero value’ like a popular Instagram Hindu page called Hindu Samata found out by getting suspended by the Hinduphobic thought police for just raising the incident of the police killing that Indian student.

Often the Hinduphobic thought police lynch mob is led by the ‘South Asians’ a group of cowardly submissive Indians we refer to Rudyard Kipling’s character known as Gunga Din the loyal Indian waterboy character who aids the British soldiers against those thuggee heathen Hindus going gangsta mode on a human sacrifice rampage addiction.

These are Indians with a massive extreme inferiority complex who want to really feel ‘white’ and end up bullying Hindus as those pagan savage fascists who they know won’t take action against them.

Also, the ‘South Asian’ label itself is a racist term as it denies the Indignous ‘Bharat/Indian and Hindu identity while pushing the idea that Bharat/India is an artificial construct so we should back separatists to dismantle this to lead to a mass civil war in the process that would literally kill millions.

Even though the Hindu zero mathematically is in use with other Hindu numerals that’ advanced science and the technology we use today but the same zero also symbolizes in our social world a person with no value at all which is why we also blame the Hindu side that even now with so many attacks on Hindus and even temples not even one Hindu temple including the ones attacked will raise the rise of Hinduphobia among the Hindu masses attending. It’s about time these temples, Hindu organizations, swamis, and gurus raise the war going on against Hindus along with Hindus setting up professional think tanks and academia to expose Hinduphobia or they will end up being the first victims of it as they are of ‘zero’ value meaning no value.

Heres how HinduSamamata page was suspended by the Hinduphobic thought police.

Read More >


Use of the term ‘Hinduphobia’ – 1866-1997

A Definition of Hinduphobia

Video : Hindu Americans Protest Against Camouflaged Hinduphobic Discrimination

From Katherine Mayo ‘the Prophetess of Hinduphobia’ to Tulsi Gabbard

The Gunga-din Within

Video : Hinduphobia – A Media Studies Perspective by Professor Vamsee Juluri

The Colonial Native Vs The Hindu

Toothless Racist BBC and Gungadin Army Threatened by India’s Lions With Fangs


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